Please see Dr. Setton’s Google Scholar profile for a complete list of publications.


Harmonization and standardization of nucleus pulposus cell extraction and culture methods
Basavat S, Bach FC, Barcellona MN, Binch AL, Buckley CT, Bueno B, Chahine NO, Chee A, Creemers LB, Dudli S, Fearing B, Ferguson SJ, Gansau J, Gantenbein B, Gawri R, Glaeser JD, Grad S, Guerrero J, Haglund L, Hernandez PA, Hoyland JA, Huang C, Iatridis JC, Illien-Junger S, Jing L, Kraus P, Laalgand LT, Lang G, Leung V, Li Z, Lufkin T, van Maanen JC, McDonnell EE, Panebianco CJ, Presciutti SM, Rao S, Richardson SM, Romereim S, Schmitz TC, Schol J, Setton LA, Sheyn D, Snuggs JW, Sun Y, Tan X, Tryfonidou MA, Vo N, Wang D, Williams B, Williams R, Tim Yoon S, and Le Maitre CL. JOR Spine


Single Cell RNA-Sequence Analyses Reveal Uniquely Expressed Genes and Heterogeneous Immune Cell Involvement in the Rat Model of Intervertebral Disc Degeneration
Rohanifar M, Clayton SW, Easson GWD, Patil DS, Lee F, Jing L, Barcellona MN, Speer JE, Stivers JJ, Tang SY, and Setton LA. Applied Sciences

Hydraulic permeability and compressive properties of porcine and human synovium Rohanifar M, Johnston BB, Davis AL, Guang Y, Nommensen K, Fitzpatrick JAJ, Pham CN, and Setton LA. Biophysical Journal


Integrin and syndecan binding peptide-conjugated alginate hydrogel for modulation of nucleus pulposus cell phenotype
Tan X, Jain E, Barcellona MN, Morris E, Neal S, Gupta MC, Buchowski JM, Kelly M, Setton LA, and Huebsch N. Biomaterials

Bioactive in situ crosslinkable polymer-peptide hydrogel for cell delivery to the intervertebral disc in a rat model
Barcellona MN, Speer JE, Jing L, Patil DS, Gupta MC, Buchowski JM, and Setton LA. Acta Biomaterialia

Integrin-mediated interactions with a laminin-presenting substrate modulate biosynthesis and phenotypic expression for cells of the human nucleus pulposus
Speer JE, Barcellona MN, Jing L, Liu B, Lu MY, Kelly MP, Buchowski JM, Zebala LP, Luhmann S, Gupta MC, and Setton LA. European Cells & Materials

Size-Dependent Effective Diffusivity in Healthy Human and Porcine Joint Synovium
Guang Y, Davis AL, McGrath TM, Pham CN, Fitzpatrick JAJ, and Setton LA. Annals of Biomedical Engineering

Electric Field Stimulation for the Functional Assessment of Isolated Dorsal Root Ganglion Neuron Excitability
Berke IM, McGrath TM, Stivers JJ, Gui C, Barcellona MN, Gayoso MG, Tang SY, Cao Y, Gupta MC, and Setton LA. Annals of Biomedical Engineering

Fund Black scientists
Stevens KR, Masters KS, Imoukhuede PI, Haynes KA, Setton LA, Cosgriff-Hernandez E, Lediju Bell MA, Rangamani P, Sakiyama-Elbert SE, Finley SD, Willits RK, Koppes AN, Chesler NC, Christman KL, Allen JB, Wong JY, El-Samad H, Desai TA, and Eniola-Adefeso O. Cell

NF-κB-mediated effects on behavior and cartilage pathology in a non-invasive loading model of post-traumatic osteoarthritis
Berke IM, Jain E, Yavuz B, McGrath TM, Chen L, Silva MJ, Mbalaviele G, Guilak F, Kaplan DL, and Setton LA. Osteoarthritis and Cartilage

Engineered Peptide-Functionalized Hydrogels Modulate the RNA Transcriptome of Human Nucleus Pulposus Cells In Vitro
Barcellona, MN, Speer JE, Jing L, Gupta MC, Buchowski JM, Kelly MP, and Setton LA. bioRxiv

A multiphasic model for determination of water and solute transport across the arterial wall: effects of elastic fiber defects
Guang Y, Cocciolone AJ, Crandall CL, Johnston BB, Setton LA, and Wagenseil JE. Archive of Applied Mechanics

Development of a library of laminin-mimetic peptide hydrogels for control of nucleus pulposus cell behaviors
Speer JE, Barcellona MN, Lu MY, Zha Z, Jing L, Gupta MC, Buchowski JM, Kelly MP, and Setton LA. Journal of Tissue Engineering

Immunoengineering the next generation of arthritis therapies
Klimak, M, Nims RJ, Pferdehirt L, Collins KH, Harasymowicz NS, Oswald SJ, Setton LA, and Guilak F. Acta Biomaterialia


Control of adhesive ligand density for modulation of nucleus pulposus cell phenotype Barcellona MN, Speer JE, Fearing BV, Jing L, Pathak A, Gupta MC, Buchowski JM, Kelly M, and Setton LA. Biomaterials

Combined Experimental Approach and Finite Element Modeling of Small Molecule Transport through Joint Synovium to Measure Effective Diffusivity
Guang Y, Mcgrath TM, Klug NR, Nims RJ, Shih C, Bayguinov PO, Guilak F, Pham CN, Fitzpatrick, JAJ, and Setton LA. Journal of Biomechanical Engineering

Core Competencies for Undergraduates in Bioengineering and Biomedical Engineering: Findings, Consequences, and Recommendations
White JA, Gaver DP, Butera RJ, Choi B, Dunlop MJ, Grande-Allen KJ, Grosberg A, Hitchcock RW, Huang-Saad AY, Kotche M, Kyle AM, Lerner AL, Linehan JH, Linsenmeier RA, Miller MI, Papin JA, Setton LA, Sgro A, Smith ML, Zaman M, and Lee AP. Annals of Biomedical Engineering


Mechanosensitive transcriptional coactivators MRTF-A and YAP/TAZ regulate nucleus pulposus cell phenotype through cell shape
Fearing BV, Jing L, Barcellona MN, Witte SE, Buchowski JM, Zebala LP, Kelly MP, Luhmann S, Gupta MC, Pathak A, and Setton LA. FASEB J.

Behavioral Compensations and Neuronal Remodeling in a Rodent Model of Chronic Intervertebral Disc Degeneration
Leimer EM, Gayoso MG, Jing L, Tang SY, Gupta MC, and Setton LA. Scientific Reports


Amino Acid Profile of Synovial Fluid Following Intra-articular Ankle Fracture
Leimer EM, Tanenbaum LM, Nettles DL, Bell RD, Easley ME, Setton LA, and Adams SB. Foot and Ankle International

Intra-articular clearance of labeled dextrans from naive and arthritic rat knee joints
Mwangi TK, Berke IM, Nieves EH, Bell RD, Adams SB, and Setton LA. Journal of Controlled Release

Differentiation of human induced pluripotent stem cells into nucleus pulposus-like cells Tang R, Jing L, Willard VP, Wu C, Guilak F, Chen J, and Setton LA. Stem Cell Research and Therapy


CRISPR-Based Epigenome Editing of Cytokine Receptors for the Promotion of Cell Survival and Tissue Deposition in Inflammatory Environments
Farhang N, Brunger JM, Stover JD, Thakore PI, Lawrence B, Guilak F, Gersbach CA, Setton LA, and Bowles RD. Tissue Engineering – Part A

Regulation of human nucleus pulposus cells by peptide-coupled substrates
Bridgen DT, Fearing BV, Jing L, Sanchez-Adams J, Cohan MC, Guilak F, Chen J, and Setton LA. Acta Biomaterialia

Biomaterials for intervertebral disc regeneration and repair
Bowles RD and Setton L.A. Biomaterials

Inflammatory Microenvironment Persists After Bone Healing in Intra-articular Ankle Fractures
Adams SB, Leimer EM, Setton LA, Bell RD, Easley ME, Huebner JL, Stabler TV, Kraus VB, Olson SA, and Nettles DL. Foot and Ankle International

Lipid profile of human synovial fluid following intra-articular ankle fracture
Leimer EM, Pappan KL, Nettles DL, Bell RD, Easley ME, Olson SA, Setton LA, and Adams SB. Journal of Orthopaedic Research


Identifying molecular phenotype of nucleus pulposus cells in human intervertebral disc with aging and degeneration
Tang, X., Jing, L., Richardson, W.J., Isaacs, R.E., Fitch, R.D., Brown, C.R., Erickson, M.M., Setton, L.A., and Chen, J. Journal of Orthopaedic Research

Advances in combining gene therapy with cell and tissue engineering-based approaches to enhance healing of the meniscus
Cucchiarini, M., McNulty, A.L., Mauck, R.L., Setton, L.A., Guilak, F., and Madry, H. Osteoarthritis and Cartilage

N-cadherin is key to expression of the nucleus pulposus cell phenotype under selective substrate culture conditions
Hwang, P.Y., Jing, L., Chen, J., Lim, F.-L., Tang, R., Choi, H., Cheung, K.M., Risbud, M.V., Gersbach, C.A., Guilak, F., Leung, V.Y., and Setton, L.A. Scientific Reports

In vivo luminescent imaging of NF-κB activity and NF-κB-related serum cytokine levels predict pain sensitivities in a rodent model of peripheral neuropathy
Bowles, R.D., Karikari, I.O., Vanderwerken, D.N., Sinclair, M.S., Bell, R.D., Riebe, K.J., Huebner, J.L., Kraus, V.B., Sempowski, G.D., and Setton, L.A. European Journal of Pain


Synthesis and characterization of silk fibroin microparticles for intra-articular drug delivery Mwangi, T.K., Bowles, R.D., Tainter, D.M., Bell, R.D., Kaplan, D.L., and Setton, L.A. International Journal of Pharmaceutics

N-Cadherin-Mediated Signaling Regulates Cell Phenotype for Nucleus Pulposus Cells of the Intervertebral Disc
Hwang, P.Y., Jing, L., Michael, K.W., Richardson, W.J., Chen, J., and Setton, L.A. Cellular and Molecular Bioengineering

Inflammatory cytokines and matrix metalloproteinases in the synovial fluid after intra-articular ankle fracture
Adams, S.B., Setton, L.A., Bell, R.D., Easley, M.E., Huebner, J.L., Stabler, T., Kraus, V.B., Leimer, E.M., Olson, S.A., and Nettles, D.L. Foot and Ankle International

Sustained intra-articular delivery of IL-1Ra from a thermally-responsive elastin-like polypeptide as a therapy for post-traumatic arthritis
Kimmerling, K.A., Furman, B.D., Mangiapani, D.S., Moverman, M.A., Sinclair, S.M., Huebner, J.L., Chilkoti, A., Kraus, V.B., Setton, L.A., Guilak, F., and Olson, S.A. European Cells and Materials


Photocrosslinkable laminin-functionalized polyethylene glycol hydrogel for intervertebral disc regeneration
Francisco, A.T., Hwang, P.Y., Jeong, C.G., Jing, L., Chen, J., and Setton, L.A. Acta Biomaterialia

The role of extracellular matrix elasticity and composition in regulating the nucleus pulposus cell phenotype in the intervertebral disc: A narrative review
Hwang, P.Y., Chen, J., Jing, L., Hoffman, B.D., and Setton, L.A. Journal of Biomechanical Engineering

Intervertebral disc herniation: Pathophysiology and emerging therapies
Winkelstein, B.A., Allen, K.D., and Setton, L.A. in The Intervertebral Disc.

Molecular characterization of chordoma xenografts generated from a novel primary chordoma cell source and two chordoma cell lines
Karikari, I.O., Gilchrist, C.L., Jing, L., Alcorta, D.A., Chen, J., Richardson, W.J., Gabr, M.A., Bell, R.D., Kelley, M.J., Bagley, C.A., and Setton, L.A. Journal of Neurosurgery: Spine

Screening of hyaluronic acid-poly(ethylene glycol) composite hydrogels to support intervertebral disc cell biosynthesis using artificial neural network analysis
Jeong, C.G., Francisco, A.T., Niu, Z., Mancino, R.L., Craig, S.L., and Setton, L.A. Acta Biomaterialia

In vivo luminescence imaging of nf-kb activity and serum cytokine levels predict pain sensitivities in a rodent model of osteoarthritis
Bowles, R.D., Mata, B.A., Bell, R.D., Mwangi, T.K., Huebner, J.L., Kraus, V.B., and Setton, L.A. Arthritis and Rheumatology

Progress in intra-articular therapy
Evans, C.H., Kraus, V.B., and Setton, L.A. Nature Reviews Rheumatology